The Fletcher Lab attends the Annual Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty Meeting


Fletcher lab PhD students Jennifer (Jenny) Skerker and Keani Willebrand attended the 11th Annual Conference for the Society for Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty (DMDU) last month in Denver, Colorado. Both Jenny and Keani gave oral presentations, and enjoyed the conference’s theme on bridging gaps between modeling and decision making. Keani’s talk was titled “Co-adapting drought indicators and management actions in glacier-fed river basins” and Jenny’s talk was titled “Modeling distributional equity in household water affordability using DMDU.” 

Jenny’s takeaways on the conference included: “This is probably the best conference I’ve been to in grad school! The mix of academics and practitioners in this community is very cool and unique.” Both Keani and Jenny hope to attend future DMDU meetings!

Click on the link below to learn more about the DMDU Society.

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