Postdoc Marta Zaniolo is presenting at ISWSO2020!
Postdoctoral researcher Marta Zaniolo will be presenting at the 2nd International Symposium on Water System Operations (ISWSO2020) on September 2nd and 3rd during the first and second interactive sessions! The online ISWSO2020 event will comprise of invited talks, panel discussions, and interactive sessions in the field of monitoring, modeling, and optimization of water systems operations.
We encourage those that are interested in attending the symposium to register for the free event using the registration link below!
Interactive Session 1
Thursday, September 2nd (14:30-16:00 UK time)
Sensing and modelling for urban and agricultural water management
Marta Zaniolo, Sarah Fletcher and Meagan Mauter: Robust technology and policy pathways for urban water security
Interactive Session 2
Friday, September 3rd (14:30-16:00 UK time)
Modelling for integrated water resource management, tradeoffs and uncertainty
Marta Zaniolo, Matteo Giuliani, Scott Sinclair, Paolo Burlando and Andrea Castelletti: When timing matters - misdesigned dam filling impacts hydropower sustainability
Marta Zaniolo, Matteo Giuliani and Andrea Castelletti: Policy Representation Learning for multiobjective reservoir policy design with different objective dynamics